APPROVED For Florida Continuing Education Requirements *

***New for 2015 – One Day “LIVE” Continuing Education Event Information – Click Here***

Licensed Florida electrologists are required to complete 20 hours of approved continuing education within every 2 year licensing period. Electrolysis licenses are all required to be renewed by midnight May 31, in every even numbered year.

For Renewal of License Following Your First Biennium:

•One hour of each biennium must be obtained by each licensee in an approved course on blood-borne diseases. (If this is the first year that you are renewing your license, you are required to take a total of two (2) hours on blood-borne diseases including one hour on HIV/AIDS education.)
•Two (2) of the 20 hours must be in approved offerings on prevention of medical errors, including a study of root-cause analysis, error reduction and prevention, and patient safety.
•Up to ten (10) hours of home study are allowed.

Even if you have taken any of these home study credits before June 1, of the previous licensing biennium, you can take them again for credit for this current licensing biennium.  At the end of each home study booklet, you will take an examination consisting of ten (10) questions.  When you have completed the examination you must mail, fax, or email (scanned) your correct answers to the address shown on the answer sheet. You will then be emailed a certificate of completion after the material is graded, as your proof that you have taken the course.  LaserBlazers will enter your hours into CEBroker.

Even though LaserBlazers will register your credits with CE Broker, you must keep the certificate of completion in your personal files as the required proof that you have successfully completed these hours to comply with Florida statute 478.50(4)(a).

These hours can be submitted to the SCMHR for credit towards your CCE/CME renewal.

The Cost for each two hour course is $35.00

  • Each of these courses qualifies for 2 hours of approved continuing education for renewal of your Florida Electrolysis License.
  • Choose the course(s) that you want to take and click “Add to Cart”
  • You will be directed to a page that will accept credit card or PayPal payment.
  • Once you have paid for the course(s), you will receive an email with a code that will allow you to access the course on line.
  • You may print the course if you want.
  • Print out the last page of the course and then fill in your answers.  You can fax, mail, or scan and email your answers.
  • A certificate of completion will be mailed to you.
  • LaserBlazers will enter your hours/credits into CEBroker

Endocrine System

As an allied health practitioner it is essential that you have a good foundation with the systems of the body and how they function and interact with each other.  This home study unit will be focused on the endocrine system and how it works.

Goals of this study unit are:

  • Identify the endocrine glands and their hormones
  • Understand the functions of the hormones in the body
  • Learn the abbreviations relative to both systems

Prevention of Medical Errors *

*Required Course! 

In compliance with 456.013 F.S., the following correspondence course has been provided to meet those requirements.  The goals of this course are:smelling_flower

  • Understand why Florida health care professionals are required to take this course.
  • Learn about the primary causes of medical errors and how to prevent them.
  • Review the different types of medical errors.
  • Learn where errors occur.
  • Learn about the ways to avoid potential injuries.
  • Gain an understanding of root cause analysis.
  • Define sentinel events.

Medical Terminology

As allied health professionals we have moved into a more medical realm, and our need for a strong medical vocabulary has become greater.  Since it would be impossible to memorize all of the terms with which you must become familiar, it will be an easier task to master if you understand more about the way medical terms are combined or put together.  Smaller pieces of words are joined together to build a meaning.  If you can understand the basics of the small parts, then it will be easier to decipher the meaning of words that are unfamiliar to you.  This home study unit will concentrate on medical terms that you will commonly use when communicating with other professionals in the health care industry.

When you complete this study unit you will be able to:

  • Identify many of the common roots, prefixes, and suffixes that are used in the hair removal profession
  • Determine the meaning of medical terms by analyzing their component parts
  • Familiarize yourself with medical specialties
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of medical words

PCOS & Insulin Resistance

Electrologists have been observing hair growth patterns for decades, but not until the first few years of the 21st century, have we begun to understand their implications.  With the addition of hair removal lasers in our arsenal, we can now  to see completed treatments move faster and therefore observe hair removal outcomes and the patterns of their hair growth in a more accelerated venue.

The goal of this home study unit is to:

  • Define Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Define Insulin Resistance
  • Disclose conditions and symptoms of PCOS.
  • Disclose conditions and symptoms of insulin resistance
  • Inform electrologists on how to identify symptoms of PCOS and insulin resistance so proper medical referrals can be made.
  • Discuss appropriate testing to uncover PCOS and insulin resistance.
  • Discuss current medical treatment for PCOS and insulin resistance.

The Human Body

As allied health professionals we do not need enough medical knowledge to diagnose or treat health problems, but we do need to understand how the body functions.  We need to understand the functions of the body well enough to be able to intelligently discuss issues with other health care workers as well as keep accurate charts and patient records.

When you complete this study unit you will be able to:

  • Describe the basic structures of the human body and describe what their function
  • Identify anatomical positions and directional terms
  • Identify the three planes, four quadrants, and nine regions of the body
  • List five major body cavities

Laser Physics

This home study course provides basic information on laser physics. You will learn:

  • Many of the unique characteristics of light
  • Wave and particle properties
  • Refraction, reflection, absorption, transmission
  • Grothus-Draper Law
  • Selective photothermolysis
  • Emission and amplification
  • Three unique properties of light
  • Components of a laser
  • 4 basic laser parameters

Laser Safety

Laser Safety is no accident! This course will teach the student how to comply with many Florida laws and covers many national standards. Information in this course includes:

  • Safe environment for operating a Laser
  • Laser signs
  • Equipment Safety
  • Hazards and Laser Accident Summary
  • Eye protection
  • Electrical Safety
  • Plume Issues
  • The Use of Topical Anesthetics in the Laser Clinic
  • Laser Safety Officer

Bloodborne Pathogens – HIV/AIDS

If this is the first time that you have ever renewed your license, 2 of your required hours must be a state approved “HIV/AIDS” and “Bloodborne Pathogens” class.  (1 hour must be HIV/AIDS).  Every renewal thereafter only requires 1 hour of approved Bloodborne pathogens.

These required hours can be completed using home study, and can be obtained through any program that is approved for any profession that is regulated under the Dept. of Health.  (this means that your cosmetology AIDS course will not count for electrolysis renewal).

HIV/AIDS (1 hour = $17.50)

Bloodborne Pathogens (1 hour = $17.50)

Please feel free to contact us at any time.  We are eager to meet you, and help you become a success in Florida’s hair removal industry!